I am an assistant professor of CS in the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
My research is in theoretical computer science (TCS). I have been investigating problems mainly involving the following areas:
Email: granha[at]illinois[dot]edu
List Decoding Explicit Binary Codes Near Capacity at (semi-)Structured Centroids
(Fernando Granha Jeronimo)
Coherence in Property Testing: Quantum-Classical Collapse and Separations
(with Nir Magrafta and Pei Wu)
Higher-order Delsarte Dual LPs: Lifting, Constructions and Completeness
(with Leonardo Nagami Coregliano, Chris Jones, Nati Linial and Elyassaf Loyfer)
Pseudorandom and Pseudoentangled States from Subset States
(with Nir Magrafta and Pei Wu) - TQC 2024 (poster)
Dimension Independent Disentanglers from Unentanglement and Applications
(with Pei Wu) - CCC 2024
List Decoding of Tanner and Expander Amplified Codes from Distance Certificates
(with Shashank Srivastava and Madhur Tulsiani) - FOCS 2023
The Power of Unentangled Quantum Proofs with Non-negative Amplitudes
(with Pei Wu) - STOC 2023 (QIP 2024)
[video @STOC'23]
Fast Decoding of Explicit almost Optimal \(\epsilon\)-balanced \(q\)-ary Codes and
              Fast Approximation of Expanding \(k\)-CSPs
(Fernando Granha Jeronimo) - RANDOM 2023
Exact Completeness of LP Hierarchies for Linear Codes
(with Leonardo Nagami Coregliano and Chris Jones) - ITCS 2023
[video @ITCS]
Almost Ramanujan Expanders from Arbitrary Expanders via Operator Amplification
(with Tushant Mittal, Sourya Roy and Avi Wigderson) - FOCS 2022 (invited to special issue)
[video @IAS] [video @Princeton]
A Complete Linear Programming Hierarchy for Linear Codes
(with Leonardo Nagami Coregliano and Chris Jones) - ITCS 2022
[video @IAS]
Explicit Abelian Lifts and Quantum LDPC Codes
(with Tushant Mittal, Ryan O’Donnell, Pedro Paredes and Madhur Tulsiani) - ITCS 2022
[video @IAS]
Near-linear Time Decoding of Ta-Shma's Codes via Splittable Regularity
(with Shashank Srivastava and Madhur Tulsiani) - STOC 2021
[video @STOC'21]
[slides @STOC'21]
[video @JTW'20]
[slides @Junior Theorists Workshop'20]
Unique Decoding of Explicit \(\epsilon\)-balanced Codes Near the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound
(with Dylan Quintana, Shashank Srivastava and Madhur Tulsiani) - FOCS 2020 (invited to special issue)
[longer video @FOCS20] [longer slides @FOCS20] [slides general CS audience]
Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sherrington-Kirkpatrick via Planted Affine Planes
(with Mrinalkanti Ghosh, Chris Jones, Aaron Potechin and Goutham Rajendran) - FOCS 2020
Tighter Bounds on the Independence Number of the Birkhoff Graph
(with Leonardo Nagami Coregliano) - European J. of Combinatorics
List Decoding of Direct Sum Codes
(with Vedat Levi Alev, Dylan Quintana, Shashank Srivastava and Madhur Tulsiani) - SODA 2020
[slides @SODA20]
Approximating Constraint Satisfaction Problems on High-Dimensional Expanders
(with Vedat Levi Alev and Madhur Tulsiani) - FOCS 2019
A Constrained Random Walk Through Coding Theory
(Fernando Granha Jeronimo) - Dissertation
Prior to UIUC, I was a Simons-Berkeley fellow kindly hosted in Venkatesan Guruswami's group, and thankfully supported in part as a Google Research Fellow. I had a wonderful experience as a postdoc in Avi Wigderson's group at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS). I obtained my PhD from UChicago. I received a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Unicamp Brazil (my home country) and also received an engineering degree from Telecom Paris (France) as part of a double degree program.
I was a TA 14 times for various courses during my PhD receiving two (annual) TA prizes from the CS department.
2024 Fernando Granha Jeronimo
Template design by
Andreas Viklund